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we are a group of learning enthusiast who wish to share ideas on ethics as applied in our major field --education

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ethics and Law

• Ethics deals with morality and morality presupposes a norm or law of conduct by which right is distinguished from wrong.
• Law may be defined as crystallized ethics.

The Metaphysical Basis of Law
• Everything is good because every being that everything and end suited to this nature. This is another way of saying that everything has its natural law.
• Normality of Function is the proper way in which by reason of its specific end, it should achieve the fullness of its being or its growth.
• Natural law in general is as we just seen, “the ideal formula of development of a given thing; it might be compared with an algebraic equation, say of a curve to which all curves in reality must conform or resemble at least in order to be true curve at all.

General Concept of Law
• Law in its widest sense, means a rule or norm which governs the nature and/ or actions of things.
• All beings in the universe, whether living or non-living, are governed by laws in this sense. These laws styled: “laws of nature” or simply natural laws.
• We also speak of the laws which control the biological functions of plants and animals, such as the laws of nutrition, growth, reproduction, etc. in every case, a law is conceived as directive of action.
• Law refers to the free acts of rational beings, to the violation acts of men. Thus, in its ethical or strictest sense, the term law means the rule of conduct which governs, directs, or regulates the free acts of men.

The Eternal Law
• There is in every man, the voice of reason which tells him of a law: Do good and avoid evil.
• Law proceeds from First Cause, the Supreme Lawgiver who is the ultimate source of all laws and the obligations. The moral law then is nothing else but the eternal laws, the law of God, made known to man by reason
• There exists in god an eternal law: As Aquinas profoundly observes: “Just as in every artificer, there pre-exists an exemplar of the things that are set up by his art, so too, in every governor there must pre-exist the exemplary of the order of things that are to be done by those who are subject to his government.
• The eternal law then applies to all creatures, rational, irrational, animate, inanimate. The law so applied to created things is what is called the natural law or law of nature.

The Physical and Moral Law
• A law in order to be true must be promulgated or made known to the subject in order to be truly binding
• This law of conscience is called the natural moral law. It is nothing else but the same eternal law made known to man by reason. “God has written His law, not on blocks of marble or on scrolls of paper; but on the heart of man.
• Herein lies another difference between the physical and the natural moral law. In the former, there is no freedom of choice. Inanimate objects for instance, act necessarily, invariably in accordance with the law.

Human Positive Laws and the Moral Laws
Positive laws are the laws of the state. The laws of the state are based on and derive their binding force from the natural moral law. When legislators enact laws, they really do not make the laws; they merely re-state, interpret, determine or specify what is contained in a general way in the natural moral law.
The function of the positive laws is to clarify and apply to specific cases, the general principles of the natural moral law. Without positive laws, the moral law would be subject to the individual interpretations of man and there will arise many conflicting interpretations and this would inevitably result into social disorder and chaos. Everybody knows that without the proper sanctions, the law can be easily violated because violators could do so with impunity.

“There are eternal, immutable laws of good and evil to which the Creator Himself in all His dispensations, conforms; and which he has enabled human nature to discover, so far as they are necessary for the conduct of human actions.”
“Let it not be forgotten, let it be emphasized, repeated, emblazoned in the halls of every legislative body, that morality is a fundamental principle in legislation.”

Life and Law
Very early in life man becomes aware that he is living in a world of laws.
“If he reflects at all upon these laws, he realizes that they are not of his choosing – in fact, in many cases they are the reverse of what he would have chosen, but that their powers is in no way affected by his disapproval.”
“There is no way in which he can get free of them. He can act as though they did not exist, in which case they damage or even destroy him. If he is a sane man, he may dislike them but he accepts them, and does his best to live with them.”
“As there are laws that govern the body so there are laws – in particular, the moral law – which governs the soul. The moral law is no more made by man, or dependent on the approval of man, or in any way escapable by man, than the material law.”

Law and Justice
Laws are made for the purpose of securing the common good.
Laws according to Thomas Aquinas, can be unjust in two ways:
1. When they are contrary to the common good:
a. as when a government imposes on subjects burdensome laws which promote not the good of the people but the selfish interest of the rulers;
b. when the rulers enact laws outside of their powers;
c. when the laws are discriminatory in their impositions.
2. Laws can also be unjust when they contravene or run counter to the natural law or the divine law.


Anonymous said...

As man becomes aware of the things around him, he realized that he lives in a world of laws. And now that he is older, he discovered that not everything is good and he must choose between right and wrong. He always have a choice and whatever choice he make, he will face consequences.

He can act that law doesn't exist but he can never be free from them because he must follow them. If he is sensible enough he will accept the law evethough he don't like them and he should do his best to live in accordance with them.

Laws are not made by the legislators, they are just enacted. The foundation of the law of the state is the moral law. The laws are based from the law of God. Laws must be just so that people will follow them.

If we violate the moral law the punishment is the loss of peace of mind. Violators of the law must be punish because without proper sanctions they can easily violate the law and we can experience disorder and chaos.

Anonymous said...

"Law means a rule or norm which governs the nature or actions of things". This statement tell us that laws are the one who guides us in our daily lives so that we can attain our purpose in life. Without laws there will be anarchy and chaos because everyone will do whatever he wants to do because there is no law that he will be violate. Also without laws there is no peace and order in our society. That's why we must follow and appreciate our laws. we should know our responsibilities and we must be aware of what is expected of them. Not everyone have the responsibilities/power to enact a law, only it can be valid if they are legitimate exercise of authority. They enact a law that is intended for the common good. It cannot be a law unless it is intended for one's interest or sake. Also it must based from the moral law, which said to be the foundation of all laws.

Anonymous said...

Man have the power to choose for himself, he can decide and do whatever he wants to do either it is bad or good. But if this is the case there would be chaos and peace and social disorder cannot be attain and that's how important law is.

Laws are very important because they serve as norms or standard for right living. Laws are norms which governs us, wherein it is promulgated for everyone's common good.

God gave us the law, and it depends on us on how we would interpret and used them to create more specific laws which can be promulgated in the society. So, because laws were always based with the Divine law which is the law of God. The lawmaker must create a law that would benefit all the human beings and the laws that are created must be prioritized the common good and the citizen must respect and obey this laws.

Anonymous said...

Law has been promulgated by the superior within the community in order to achieve order and harmony in the society. The citizen must comply with it and must follow the rules and regulation that the government disseminate to the people. I learned in our discussion that we do have different laws. It may be eternal, divine, moral, physical and so on...When we are still in the womb of our mother we already have our responsibility. Natural law is innate for us and that is the law of God and its our duty to follow it,. Eternal law and Divine law are synonymous with each other wherein man has a light of reason to follow.

What will be happen if there is no law? Ofcourse, people will do whatever they want because there is no law that would punished them. There would be disorder and chaos in the society. As a good citizen in our country we should always put in our mind that laws are part of our responsibility not to worsen it but to relief us.

Anonymous said...

Everything and everybody is innately good. Everyone of us was born good but because of different factors in our environment, we tend to commit bad acts, for that we created a law that are based from the natural law in order for us to be guided accordingly. Laws are rules or norms which governs the nature and/or actions of things.

They are promulgated for the common good because without laws there would be no harmonious relationship in the society, because people can do whatever they want.

In order for us to live righteously we must follow the laws or rules and regulations with this we can attain our greatest goal and purpose in life which is HAPPINESS.

Anonymous said...

Man is bounded by two sets of law where one is based on the other.such acts done are and being assess by these laws. wherein these two laws is written by GOD and the other is the state in such a way both are for the sake of the people.

Anonymous said...

We make our own laws because we decided to have our own government aside from the government that God offered us, we led it and we're still striving to keep it going with the dynamic changes in the society. We have our collective and uniform interpretation of what God wants us to do and to achieve, that is to find our diamonds in the deepest part of our individual seas.

Actually, we need laws in order to find justice, and justice is the most satisfying part of the laws. We may find ourselves lavishly enjoying freedom but heck, even our freedom has limitations and we should believe in that limitations.

Generally, laws eliminate chaos but bending them by overpowering amplifies the former. So, we have the power. On our hands lies if what would be the world tomorrow because we are choosing among the unreckoned options between the battle of good and evil. Hence, we'll never find happiness if we keep choosing what is evil because it will always have the reciprocal effect of suffering of others that testifies that our own established government is not well embodied.

Anonymous said...

Laws are said to be the crystallized of Ethics because these laws are based and rooted in eternal law. They are rule or norms wich governs the actions of man.Laws are made for common good, for the benefit of the majority and as needed by the society. There are times that laws can be unjust in someway like: when they contradict for the common good and when the leaders enact laws outside thier powers. Now, I do understand why there are some that do not believe in the law that man has made. Yes, laws of man came from the laws of God but our laws are being unjust because of us, ourselves. It is how we will, handle every power we have in order for us to fully attain the goodness of laws that God hs planted in our hearts from the very beginning.

Anonymous said...

Basically, laws are made for common good. But in our present situation, can we say that all laws passed in the legislative body of this nation are for common good/ benefit of the majority? Do all these laws were made with considerations to Moral Laws?

Moral Laws are laws of God. Generally, when we refer to these moral laws, they pertain to what God wants us to do ( to do things for common good not evil acts). Ethics is connected with law. Why? Laws are made by the lawmakers. These laws should be done with what God wants us to do. They should consider the quality of rightness and wrongness in making laws. And in the exercise of their powers, ethical considerations should be always on their minds. They should not make laws for their personal interest/ for the sake of few.

In reality nowadays, there are leaders who are taking their positions for-granted. They are not giving what are due to the people. They tend to forget their obligations to the society where they lead. They do things just for their sake/ sake of few. I could say that this is happening in our society nowadays. There are corrupt leaders in the society. But on the other hand, there are still leaders who are doing great for the country. They are doing things for the benefits of the majority.

To end this up, Ethics plays a vital role in making the society a much better place to live .

Anonymous said...

We all know that human positive laws derived from eternal laws and these eternal laws comes fom GOD..
If we try to assess these laws both eternal and human laws its benefit is for all the human kind..
but some politicians instead of using their power for the welfare of his citizens uses only for personal interest. According to Abaham Mazlow " A man is a wanting animals." he doesn't contended for what he had.. instead he will do anything just to gained more and more in order to satisfy his desires..
let's face the reality that only few have this authentic heart..

Anonymous said...

We all know that laws the rules us or govern us.Everyone should abide to follow this laaws so that there will no be offenses that our God and our government can give to us. We can never be free from laws. all of these laws,we are the one who can choose if we are to follow them or not. Following these laaws which can be benifited by others is very good but if is not it is bad. We should take consideration the individual differences it is based from us if these laws are we going to follow or not, it depends on our conscience.

Anonymous said...

We all know that laws that rules us or govern us. Everyone should abide to follow this laaws so that there will no be offenses that our God and our government can give to us. We can never be free from laws. all of these laws,we are the one who can choose if we are to follow them or not. Following these laaws which can be benifited by others is very good but if is not it is bad. We should take consideration the individual differences it is based from us if these laws are we going to follow or not, it depends on our conscience.

Anonymous said...

We all know that laws the rules us or govern us. Everyone should abide to follow these laws so that there will no be offenses that our God and our government can give to us. We can never be free from laws. All of these laws, we are the one who can choose if we are to follow them or not. Following these laws which can be benefited by others is very good but if is not it is bad. We should take consideration the individual differences it is based from us if these laws are we going to follow or not, it depends on our conscience.