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we are a group of learning enthusiast who wish to share ideas on ethics as applied in our major field --education

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Morality- is the quality of goodness or badness in a human act.

Norms of morality are the standards that indicate the rightfulness or wrongfulness, the goodness or evilness, the value or disvalue of a thing. Obviously, these are qualities that cannot be measured by any mechanical device. They are spiritual qualities that appeal only to reason.
Judges in a contest follow a given criteria for deciding the winner. In like manner, for us to decide what action is good or bad, we need a criteria, a set of principles from which we may deduce a conclusion. Morality therefore, consists in the relation of a thing with a norm.

1. Natural law
It is nothing else than the creature’s participation in the eternal law.
Natural law imprinted in the human nature and man has the light of reason to know it. It is unchangeable because man’s essential nature can never be lost as long as man is a man. It enables man to recognize self-evident principles.

Eternal law-is the plan of God in creating the universe and in assigning to each creature therein a specific nature
- is the divine reason or will o0f God that the natural order of things be preserved and forbidding that is be disturbed.

Principles of Natural Law

1.The primary principle are such that there can be no question of their validity. They are usually expressed as:
(a.) “Do good and avoid evil.”
(b.) “Live a life in accord with reason.”
(c.) “Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.”
2.The secondary principle are mostly affect the relationship of an individual with God and his fellowmen.

3.The tertiary principle are the applications of the first and second principles as interpreted and embodied in the different laws of nations, and international, civil, and religious societies

It came from the Latin words cum alia scientia which mean application of knowledge to a specific individual

Three factors that are involved in the morality of an act:
1. the object or act itself
2. the agent or person who does the act
3. the circumstances


Anonymous said...

“ We have the role to do good”. This is what the Divine law mandates us. And I consider this law as an universal law that governs us. This law is in accordance with the will of God. We could say that with this law He teaches us to live our life morally.

I could not say that I am morally perfect. But I could say that Divine law is very influential/ help me a lot on how to live my life.

There are legal laws that are not in accordance with the will of God/ Divine Law. As I mentioned on my last reflection that there are still countries who still practice/ impose death penalty to those who committed very big crime. Though this is against the will of God, on my point of view, it somehow helps the society to be a much better place to live in. This punishment is the respond to the needs of the society. This is also for the good of the society. Somehow, those countries who are practicing this are doing good for the people. But on the other side, they still violate the will of God. This view of mine might be against the view of others. I could not blame them if they have contradicting view with that of mine. I hope, they would not also blame me for having this opinion.

Anonymous said...

Reflection on the Movie Shooter.

“ Hindi lahat ng hindi male ay tama”. I once heard this from a movie that I can’t recall its title.

My assessment on what the main character did at the last part of the movie is “ it is not wrong”. However, I could not say that it is morally right. To elaborate further, to kill is basically against the will of God. So, we could not say that it is right in the eyes of God. But I assume that if not most, maybe some of the people will say that it is just right to do that if the case is same with the movie. There are things that are not wrong in the eyes of the people but we could not say that those things are right in the eyes of God. So, not all right things in the eyes of the people will always be right in the eyes of God.

If you would ask me regarding my stand to this issue. This will be my answer.

“ Somehow, what he did was just right, I believe that his action is for the good of the society. We know that the character of the politician’s and his group in the movie is evil. They are unjust. In that case the number of evils was lessen. Though the manner they were lessen is against the will of God. For me, somehow, that thing is just what they deserve. This opinion/ view of mine might be contradicting to the view of others but I hope they would respect me because I respect whatever views they have.

Anonymous said...

Truth varies from people to people, race to race, and nation to nation, but these differences only fall on a certain similarity---to find history on every occurences. They also say that "truth will set us free," yes, it will set us free from the bars of the jail, but truth itself oftentimes enslavens us, it alters our sense of preference, thus we find it inconvenient. Truth is actually attached to morality, that we can't consider morality without the truthfulness of an act or the extent of the real intention. Truth itself is as well as a basis for moral acceptance---what is not true is not morally acceptable because it distorts one's view and idealism in some situations. Superficially, we can escape with it by feigning ourselves, but truth will always penetrate our conscience, as our will and soul object for truth. By the way, truth is the best way to project the real colors of ourselves.

Anonymous said...

If there are laws that determines the morality of an action thre must also a law on how to determine the morality of an act and they are base on the natural laws--laws that can't never be change.
You cannot easily judge the morality of an act we have to consider the reasons and factors why a certain person perform that act.
sometimes what is immoral for us is moral to other, because morality is vary from nation to nation, culture to culture. Though we have different perceptions on what morality is, as long as we are taking the right tract our conscience is clear.

Anonymous said...

Reflection on the Movie Shooter

Morality legally speaking he is liable because to KILL is against the legal and moral law.

On my point of view,what he did was right,because with his action he can live a legacy, he can make a change in the society. Somehow they really deserved to be killed in that way, because they are consider as evils.

Anonymous said...

It is not clear to me what would be the standards for us to know that the act we did was right or wrong. I admit that sometimes I am not so sure if the things I have done were right. After our discussion with the norms of morality, I had proved in myself that man is innately good. God has given us an imprint, a light of reason to decide whether we should do bad or good. Our conscience dictates or helps us in making decision for an act to be done. There are times that we commit immoral acts because of our intention in doing such act like giving alms. We all know that giving alms is not bad but what if our intention in doing that act is to impress others that we have a lot of money and we have a kind heart th0ough it’s only “pakitang tao”. Yes, the act is good but the intention is immoral. Man as man is rational. I am hoping that in the coming generations man would still be man.

Anonymous said...

Reflection in the movie Shooter..
Morally and legally speaking, what Bob Lee did was wrong. Such case of his wasn’t covered in their law and the judiciary hadn’t anything to do with that so he is accused guilty. More so, in the eye of our God he is morally liable because he had taken away the lives of many people.
For me, the decision of Bob Lee was right. Though we could say that he is selfish because he did that only to save himself but in a deeper sense he is more than just considerate. It is obvious that if he has not done such actions the lives of many people will be in the hands of a more greedy, selfish, and criminal individual. The things and the situation with his nation will be even worse. I admire him for his determination. I am glad that he have done that, at least he made a great help.

Anonymous said...

People tends to be good and be good because that is what others expect him to be. From the time that we are born the standards of morality are already existing, and they must be follow. This are what we called as the norms of morality.

Being poor is not a reason for us to do evil acts. It must be the reason for us to strive harder so that we could live the way we want. Sometimes we ought to do things that can harm other people and this makes us feel uneasy because the voice within us or our conscience tell us that we are wrong.

Anonymous said...

Reaction on the movie Shooter…..

For me, Bob Lee is not immoral when he killed the persons behind the crime. Yes, he commit mistake when he agreed to kill the President but the law of their state is not fair enough, he is in prison while the persons who are the mastermind are still free. He just did what he thinks is right because the persons can still do something worse if he didn’t killed them. He just did what was due to them. And I think he is not really a bad person, they just make him angry that’s why he did those things.

Anonymous said...

What is the basis of morality? How can we say that what we do is right or wrong? Eventhough natural law and conscience are considered as the norms of morality but I guessed they are not enough to explain what is moral or immoral without associating them with eternal law and reason. We should know the reason behind those human acts before judging if the act is moral or not. Such as the two child policy, we can not easily say that it is immoral because there is a certain reason why people want this policy, maybe they want to control the population for national development.

Anonymous said...

Reaction on the movie Shooter….

How could we say that what we do is right? As I watch the movie I didn’t thought that there is wrong with the things that Bob (main character of the movie) does, but when I connect it to the law of God that is the only time that I realized that what he did is not right because he violated the law’s of God. In my own opinion, I disregard the law of God, I think when he killed those people was right. He just give justice to what he experienced because the state can not give it to him, and if he didn’t kill them especially the Senator, they can still plan to do things against the President just to get the power and authority.

Anonymous said...

At first when we discussed about ethics there is confusion in my mind about what is the real basis in distinguishing right from wrong. But as we go deeper with the meaning of morality I realized that man has his own will to avoid wrong things and do right things.

As Nelilyn discussed the norms of morality I now understand what the main basis in distinguishing right from wrong is. It is in our own conscience that doing right is good and doing wrong is bad. Because of our conscience or what we call the natural law we have the capability to choose between rights to wrong.

As stated in the book entitled “ETHICS AND FILIPINO”, “Ang masama ay gaw - gawa ng tao lamang”, this means that man doing evil act is not mans invention. Rather than man his freedom to do wrong. This statement emphasize that the human being has the will to choose between rights to wrong. It is in his freedom to do right and avoid evil.

Anonymous said...


In my own point of view Bob Lee is moral because he does not only think for himself but also for the sake of other people.

Even though he kill the senator and all the people which were involved in that crime still it is moral because there is injustice in the country and at least it will lessen the bad person that have bad intention in their country. If he doesn’t kill the person behind that crime there is a chance that their country will be unstable and many people will be killed.

Anonymous said...

There are things that bound or serve as a basis to say an act is morally justified. There are basis or circumstances that is to be considered.

Take for example,two persons vie to be a champion on a singing contest and they are asked to give their own comments to the performance of each other.
one say that his fellow could not sing very well on the word he said his fellow was embarrased. We could say that he do is immoral becausehe did that thing in order for him to win. And it also violates the norms of morality as stated on the topic.

Anonymous said...

Reflection on the movie The Shooter.

The thing that he do on the last scene is considered morally acceptable and legally incorrect.

Morally acceptable in the sense that he kill the senator and his fellow because thay had done wrong and set up him(Wahlberg)for a crime that he did not do.

Legally incorrect is that he puts justice in his hands. He doesn't wait the international law to punish them to what thay have done.

Anonymous said...

The norms of morality are the standards that indicate the rightfulness or wrongfulness, the goodness or evilness, the value or disvalue of a thing. For us to decide what action is good or bad, we need a criteria, a set of principles from which we may deduce a conclusion.
Man is either good or bad depending on how he conforms or not with the demand of rational nature. If someone did badly to you who are not favorable about his action, morality comes and the circumstances always go beyond about it. Conscience determine what ought to be done in a given situation. When error creeps in, we should always trace it to its roots in order to eradicate it.
Generally, we should think first about our action we are doing, for us not to remorse in the end.

Anonymous said...

One of the norms of morality is what we called our CONSCIENCE.. This conscience reminds us if our deeds is somewhat immoral or when you treated others unfairly then you will be bothered by your conscience or we felt guilty if we did something that wasn't nice. Therefore it is just a matter of doing good and avoiding what is bad. Although we are considered rational being, there are some people can't help to do evil things like robbing, killing, kidnappings etc.., All these things considered to be immoral and lets face the reality that most of all live without dignity only just to survive.

Anonymous said...

My reflection at the end of the movie “Shooter” makes me think if the protagonist in the movie did is a moral or an immoral act. The protagonist in the movie is Bob Lee, he is a former Marine, a sharp shooter, and he fights for the right of others as well for his self. If I’ am going to analyze the story, the action he had done maybe moral or immoral. I can say that its is moral, in the sense that if I where in his situation I do the same way also to lessen those bad people on earth. Those people who became his opponent did badly to the government, imagine they were chosen to serve the country but then they were the one who are making chaos to their country. The terrible things happened in Africa, I think Bob makes a revenge for them, he feel so sorry for them for what they had suffered. In the other side it is immoral, in the eye of God it is a sin because no one can’t judge the bad thing they had done, no one can’t do to get the life of others, and it is God who will make it. Vengeance is not ours its God; we should not take the first step for what things not satisfying to us, we should let God makes His own judgment in the times come. We do have our own perception in the movie we are free to choose if what he did is moral or immoral…

Anonymous said...

The Divine law mandates us "do what is good". Yes, all of us in this world want to be with our God someday when we already finish our role in this earth, but are we all meant to good things in this world or maybe I ask all the things that happened and what will happen to us are already God's plan?

We all know what are not good in the naural laws cause they are nature, we already know our norms or standars to be followed and yet sometimes we vilolated them, for me all of us are not morally perfect.

It is good to help others but sure it comes from our heart and not only to impress others cause you want something to them, it is a immoral act.

Sometimes Divine laws and legal laws are not in accordance beacuse truth varies people to people, culture to culture or race to race.