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we are a group of learning enthusiast who wish to share ideas on ethics as applied in our major field --education

Friday, April 25, 2008

scope and definition of ethics

Ethics Defined

“In order that peace and happiness will prevail in a community, the actions of man must be governed by the invariable principles of morality.

-Derived from the Greek word “ethos” which means “characteristic way of acting,” its Latin equivalent is “mos, mores” meaning “tradition or custom”
-It studies human acts or human conduct

a) Ethics is the practical science of the morality of human actions.
b) Ethics is the scientific inquiry into the principles of morality.
c) Ethics is the science of human acts with reference to right and wrong.
d) Ethics is the study of human conduct from the standpoint of morality.
e) Ethics is the study of the rectitude of human conduct.
f) Ethics is the science that lays down the principles of right living.
g) Ethics is the practical science that guides us in our actions that we may live rightly and well.
h) Ethics is a normative and practical science based on reason, which studies human conduct and provides norm for its natural integrity and honesty.
i) According to Socrates, ethics is the investigation of life.

“Man is endowed by nature with a moral sense. He is self-conscious of his dignity and submits to the duty of doing what is good and avoiding what is wrong.
SCIENCE- systematic study or a system of systematic conclusions clearly demonstrated.

MORALITY- the quality of right or wrong in human acts

HUMAN ACTS- acts done wit knowledge and consent.

Ethics and Logic- science of right thinking
ETHICS- science of right living

Ethics and Psychology
PSYCHOLOGY- studies how man behaves
ETHICS- studies how man “ought” to behave

Ethics and Sociology
SOCIOLOGY- deals with human relations
ETHICS- human relations are based on proper order

Ethics and Economics
ECONOMICS- deals with wage, labor, production, distribution and wealth
ETHICS- deals with the relation between the employee and the employer based on justice and charity


Anonymous said...

"We are all connected," as Mich Albom has wrote and this connection is not merely strenghten by relationship itself but by special consideration of one's self and of others.

The dignity and integrity of man is preserved by keeping things in order or putting them in proper places. It is that they recognize the right thing, thinking about it and eventually choosing it to do over the otherwise.

Everyone adheres to a general dream of harmony that could be achieve through unity--of actions, drives and discernment. And with the margins set by man to govern them, it is almost possible to achieve that general dream. Man's faculty looks at on that margins as basis for accepting a certain reaction, too that margins distinguishes a certain behavior from what is the majority's sake and agreement or the extent that it would be recognized as "the right thing."

Hence, we cannot do everything that pleases us, we cannot portray our wildest characters on the real stage and drama of life and we can't be free as we wish to be. Because we live in a world where people look for identical dreams, where actions are described by consequences, where conducts are limited, where reactions are bounded and where ETHICS exist.

Anonymous said...

job well done..jovert

Anonymous said...

I assessed every definition given by the reporter (from different books) regarding Ethics. I noticed common variable in every given meaning and they are related/synonymous to each other. The common thing in every definition given is that Ethics deals with morality, wherein morality is principle dealing with what is right and what is wrong. It means that how people deal with other people.

In a society where we live, we are governed by Ethical/ Moral standards. These standards/norms serve as guide for our daily living. They provide harmony in the environment where we live. It is a must for us to submit ourselves to these standards to avoid conflicts. They play important role in order for a society will move smoothly.

We live in this country where norms are set. If we will do things that that are against/ not accepted with the moral standard of the majority of the Filipinos, we then violate what are set. Conflict will rise then. Ethical standards are boundaries of our daily living. Once we step out to these boundaries, there will be negative consequences that wait us. We are accountable on every act we do. We should live our life accordingly.

Ethical standards differ from culture to culture, from country to country. Ethics defined as the human conducts from the standpoint of morality. Morality is the principle of rightness and wrongness of a certain acts. The ethical practices of other countries might not right to our ethical standards. We can’t question those things. We have to respect their moral standards (Though contradicting to our view) for us to be respected too. We may see their practices as weird and unacceptable to our principle of rightness, it is just matter of give and take relationship. GIVE respect for you to be respected.

Sometimes, thought we are aware that it is not right to do certain acts but we tend to do them. Admittedly, sometimes, I tend to forget to consider the RULES on my simple acts. I commit not-so-good acts. But after doing these acts, I will face and accept consequences that await me. Through those experiences, I was able to improve myself, to learn more lessons in life. I learned that the wrong things we do help us to improve. They help us to learn and learn and learn. We become more mature through these experiences. Experience really the best teacher.

Ethics is indeed a very interesting subject. For us, future teachers, it is a must for us to know the ethical standards/ code of ethics in our profession. This subject gives us broader idea on Ethics.

I know that at the end of this simmer class, I will be equipped with the necessary knowledge on how a professional teacher acts in accordance with thee profession’s code of ethics. As a future teacher, we will have a crucial role in molding young minds. Our role is not only to mold them in different disciplines in academics but also to teach them moral values. These moral values will really help them in their daily living.

Anonymous said...

When I heard the word ethics first thing that comes in my mind is the word MORALITY, wherein morality has a broader meaning.
As Jovert defined ethics, he said that it is a standard or a norm which is associated in doing right or wrong. But still I am confused of what is the main basis in distinguishing right to wrong? How can we say that our act is right or wrong? What if I think what I’m doing is right but in the eye of other people is wrong? Is this moral or immoral? For instance, a man try to steal a certain thing specifically money and he did it just to save the life of his mother from sickness. Then how can we say his act is moral or immoral? What is our basis?
Maybe as we go with our discussion I will further understand what is ethics and morality? How can we distinguish right to wrong?

Anonymous said...

“We make our own punishment through our actions w commit”.

The word ethics is the morality of human acts wherein it is doing right things and omits those wrong doings. I thought to myself it’s a boring subject but then as the lesson goes on it makes me think and thrilled to know more about it.

In everything we do there is a reason why we are doing such things. I taught our discussion that being moral comes within us. We know right from wrong but still there are people who are immoral in their act they know that what they did is not right, that’s why we are being danger from what we are doing. I myself can say that I did also some wrong things and I really admitting it but at least those experiences make me a better person and from the next time I won’t did it again. That’s why there is an ETHICS exists to direct us from wrong to right.

Anonymous said...

I remember the story of Robin Hood who steals from the elites and the money he got will be given to the poor. If we talked about ethics what he did was wrong but it will benefit most of the poor people and the money that was given by Robin Hood will serve as an additional income to the poor.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word ethics is morality. I always relate ethics to morality and I thought that the two words are similar or they are synonimous. Our topic yesterday makes me realized that ethics is the science of human acts with reference to right and wrong while morality is the rightness and wrongness of the human acts. I´ve learned that ethics is all about the human action in relation to morality and morality will tell us if the thing that we did is good or bad.

Anonymous said...

¨Man is innately good”so he innately distinguised what is wrong and what is right , what is moral and what is immoral. We cannot do all the things that what we want to do because not all the things or action in this world are moral things.

When we talk about ethics we are pertining to the word morality---- the rightness and wrongness of doing things. Ethics are standards that we have to follow in order for us to be guided accordingly.

We cannot easily judge the morality of an cation, in judjing morality you have to consider the nature of an action itself, th circumtances sorrounding the act and the motivation of the person performing the acts.

Anonymous said...

ETHICS as they said, is the standards of morality and morality has something to do with doing good things and avoiding what is wrong or bad.... On my part, though I know what is right from wrong, and what is good from bad but still, I already concede that doing bad things is sometimes quite inevitable especially when it is in between the matter of life and death. So,.. I can´t blame others if sometimes they commit mistakes intentionally or not.

Anonymous said...

¨Evil acts came from our fear.” Eventhough we know what is right and what is wrong sometimes we still choose to do the wrong ones. For example people steal because they are afraid to experience hunger and that is how morality is associated with ethics.

Morality is the badness or goodness of human acts, but sometimes there are things that might be right for you but could be wrong to others. Thatś why during the discussion I learned that ethics is a science with a very broad scope. It needs more investigation before judging and jumping to a conclusion. It must always based with reasons because there is always a reason with human acts whether it is bad or good and fear is one of those reason.

Jovert I liked the way you discussed the lesson. Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

As our discussion with ethics continues, the other faces of ethics were revealed. Its relation with other sciences were clearly discussed. ¨Man is inately good¨ and as rational being he knows what is right and wrong. Morality directs him in doing good or bad but in certain circumstances her do bad things though he know that those are wrong. Ethics now comes in. Ethics helps us to understand why did he do those things. We should´t easily judge any wrong doings of a person because something has a premise. Things happen for a reason.
I admit, I do things I know that they are wrong or morally bad but you can´t blame me because as a human being it is inevitable to commits. I know deep within me that I did those because of some inexplainable reasons. The best thing is that... I learned. i am thankful that we are taking this subject because it bad things cannot always be a bad one if we try to undercover its reasons. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

When we say ethics, it is associated with morality. If an action done is either right or wrong in the sense of the majority. It is associated with all fields of knowledge such as medicine, education, economics, psychology, etc. wherein it serve as the extremes to which decisions is based.

In my own sense, I could say that ethics is the boundaries or guiding principles that governs man in his decision making, way of life and his interaction to the society or vice-versa.

A thing that I learned from this topic is that ethics is broken in situation of life and death.
take the situation for example:
You are a poor man and you have a child that is terribly ill and in need of an immediate expensive medication to prolong her life and you do not know where to get the money, would you steal money to save the life of your child?

Anonymous said...

Ethics is the art or science of human life. By this definition, its all about us human on how we will deal to our lives. The life of human is done according to what we want to do, if we are going to use it for good or bad and for that morality takes place to us.

Ethics is standard or norm which is associated with the right or wrong. Ethics is definite part of our lives to determine if what are we doing are moral or immoral, but sometimes we cannot say an act of a person from other nation which is immoral to us but with him is moral, it is also based to the culture we have (theory of relativism).

But there are people who know what they are doing is immoral and why they continue it?
Maybe because of greediness. All of us want to be happy in our lives,we want to have a stable life but it is more happy when we are fair and not depriving or stepping other persons lives.

Anonymous said...

life is a many spendored thing because it is a unity of many aspects. Since the moral and rational are the distiguishing caracteristics of man it follows that morality is the basic element of human life and cannot be separated from other phases of human activities.

Good upright living is the only way by which we can attain our supreme gaol and purpose in life-- HAPPINESS.There is a necessary connection in doing good and enjoying good, this is to signify the absolute infinite of good---the boundless good which is attained only by good upright living. We must be good, live rightiously and constantly practice virtue in short we must posses in this life a good moral character. A good life is the only sure ticket to the boundlees good. a good life leads us to the attainment of life's supreme goal and purpose.

It is good good to be intelligent, it is good to be a wealthy person, it is good to enjoy all the material things in this world, it is good to have a good health and strength but first and above all it is good to have a GOOD MORAL CHARACTER......

Anonymous said...

“ Hindi porke kaya mong gawin ang isang bagay ay dapat mo itong gawin”

This quotation is from the famous Japanese cartoon character Doramon. It just simply tells us that we can’t do anything we want because we are bounded by moral standards. If we would do things against what is required we might encounter trouble. Morality is an important part of human life. We can’t set aside this in our day to day activities because it plays a vital role in every action we do. It is indeed very important in our life.

In as much as it is very important in human life, as future educator we will play a vital role in developing the holistic aspects of our learners. One of our major concern in the future is the formation of moral values to our students. I believe that teachers are considered agent of change and very influential in developing learners moral being. This is one of the many important roles of a teacher. As I see it, this is one of the reasons why they are considered heroes.

Morality is related to law but they are not identical. The Bible says “ Anyone who looks at a woman ( or man) lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:28. In this case, you will never be legally liable unless you committed not so good act in actual. Morality and Law are related to each other in a sense that they serve as basis for our acts. They both govern us. More so, on my personal assessment, most of the legal laws were made in accordance with what is moral/ethical.

The topic is can’t be separated from religion. Because ethical/ moral standards are based from the Divine Law, which is being studied in religion.

There are laws that are somehow against the Moral/ Divine Law. Death Penalty is still being practice in other countries. This is against the Divine Law. As I see it and base on my assessment, sometimes, laws are being made depending on the needs/ call of the society. To end this I could conclude that generally, morality governs human life.

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